Surrealist jewellery - Galerie Negropontes


Surrealist jewellery

06.09 — 21.12.2024


Surrealist jewellery

06.09 — 21.12.2024

Galerie Negropontes celebrates 100 years of Surrealism and unveils its new exhibition of Surrealist jewellery, the result of a collaboration between the gallery’s artists eschewing their usual practices to explore gems, jewellery design and jewellers. From Walid Akkad’s elk-shaped ring and Elena Syraka’s Minoan eye pendant to Agnès Baillon and Éric de Dormael’s sculptural jewellery, this surrealist collection seamlessly transitions between references. Each artist plays with scale, experimenting with miniature forms and materials imbued with surrealist undertones. These explorations find their ultimate expression in jewellery.

Inspired by the exploration of imagination, dreams and the unconscious, Surrealism has profoundly marked all artistic domains, including jewellery, with countless creators influenced by this movement. Through this new Surrealist collection, Galerie Negropontes’ artists delve into the poetic realm of the imagination, paying homage to their predecessors through both dreamlike figuration and abstract expressions, resulting in original and precious creations that blur the lines between fantasy and reality.

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